If you’ve followed my website or Instagram for long, it is probably not surprising to hear that I am a big advocate for sustainability and recycling in fashion- practically half of my wardrobe is thrifted and thrifting is one of my favorite activities. Because of this, I have a bit of cognitive dissonance regarding the fashion industry. I love getting new clothes and seeing all of the creations that designers send down the runway, but I hate the impact that the industry has on the environment because people get new clothes every season and get rid of their other, perfectly good pieces just because they are suddenly no longer en vogue. Enough is enough!

Enter Ronald van der Kemp. His wasn’t a name I became familiar with until, like, last season and I was only drawn to it because Ronald isn’t a name that seems all that ~fashionable~ if you know what I mean. While I enjoyed his designs, they didn’t seem all that special or interesting, and they didn’t spark something in me, because I didn’t know the full story- Ronald van der Kemp is exactly the icon I’ve been looking for because he makes all of his couture creations using recycled and “second choice” materials- adding a layer of impressiveness that made me want to know the story of each and every piece.

This couture season, he created a wholly practical collection starring a plethora of sporty chic looks that will make every Cool Girl want to take note. A few of the most notable looks included an 80s-inspired color block tracksuit that is sure to spark interest in men and women alike, and a delightfully daring BDSM-esque belt bustier paired with a cape and some jeans.

I flipped through the collection before ever knowing about van der Kemp’s knack for transforming secondhand materials and I would have never guessed that this collection was made from the fashion industry’s scraps- including a wedding cape made from an old, embroidered bathtub covering and a floral dress made from leftover lampshade materials. It’s seriously inspiring to see him polish trash into this season’s treasure, even if a good amount of his looks channel a strong, kitschy, 80s vibe, which isn’t exactly everyone’s thing (but I can appreciate it!). It’s safe to say that he’s found a new fan.

Check out a few of my favorite sporty looks from the show below:


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