


we were there at the end of the light,
watching the stars blink open wide like sleep-eyes.
the dark a cloak of protection against the ugly world.
ma il mondo è un bel posto

nobody feels the way i feel in this moment
I find it pleasant to forget the feeling of a man,
a touch on my dry skin-
skin hanging from bone loose like silk pajamas.
io sono io sono io sono

i milk each moment like bees on pollen in ruined orchards
the honey isn’t sweet anymore.
is is black tar that smells like nostalgia and the dust of abandonment,
like summertime sex, sex and sadness and sun.
non ho un cuore è vuoto  è molto vuoto

if i can’t feel then i can’t love you anymore
maybe if I amputate my heart the world will fall away.
like the stars, I blink and blink until empty-
the light is artificial and unmoving.
non mi piace me stessa. non  è importa.

if they find it, let them keep it
there is no race, no ending, the beginning itself is unspecified.
it’s not wrong to wish for something better
and your hands aren’t warm anymore.
per favore, vai.

Submit your original poetry to anna@theyoungeclectic.com to be featured! Poetry is very important to me, so I would love to take any chance I can get to share the work of other poets and creators!

I feel like 1000 people have been here already
said the words I have to say in 1000 shades of white
a winter storm of loving affections I can’t get out of,
can’t even see the horizon, ground or sky- just this
so I’ll say it anyways

your hair, your smile, those perfect teeth lined up
like all of the people waiting for a slice of you
oh, love, why do you give it all away?
I wish to hoard you in my heart,
lock you away and burn the key 
in the acid of my oceanic stomach.
I have swallowed worlds for you, for you
I gobbled up every bad taste. Every day that I wasted
swells within my bowel, sour.

Love love (see this)
maybe my hands have forgotten sadness, forgotten want.
Maybe I’ve become spoiled with gold and milk toast,
warmed and caramelized under the heat of your loving gaze
and I, have eaten of it, become fat with happy joy,
each breath now alive in me,
in you.

Sometimes I swear I can’t sleep because you have burrowed into my bones
so deep, I thought I could feel you manufacturing my blood cells
one by one, each bearing your fingerprints, 
your gentle touch.
Sleep evades me, I curl away, a caterpillar unwilling
to give up eating such ripe, honeyed sweetness.

I love I love I love
and everything else falls away, falls away
into night, into day, into endless years and manufactured forevers.
We stand and receive, weep and celebrate, never letting go
or even wanting to.

Submit your original poetry to anna@theyoungeclectic.com to be featured! Poetry is very important to me, so I would love to take any chance I can get to share the work of other poets and creators!