


If you’re a logical human being, this is probably already obvious to you, but I wouldn’t have anything to write about if I didn’t think there was a serious issue that needed to be addressed. To put it simply, some people SUCK at taking care of their animals, and that says a lot about the content of their character.

Before I took the plunge and adopted my first real pets- a pair of angelic gerbils- I probably did a solid week of research. What do gerbils eat? What are their temperaments like? What kind of habitat best suits them? What issues should I look out for? I read pretty much every article that appeared on the first two pages of Google (does anybody even go to the second page?)- that is to say, I cared deeply about providing the proper care to my soon-to-be furbabies. 

Although it seems like a no-brainer to me, many people don’t take the time to properly research an animal before bringing it into their home. In fact, the reason I decided to write this article is because I recently saw a video on Facebook that showed a chinchilla getting its first dust bath in months after being removed from a neglectful household. The kind soul that rescued the poor thing learned about it from an ad asking for the chinchilla to be re-homed because the children no longer played with it… Are you serious?

The first thing a potential pet owner should realize before deciding to get a pet is that they are committing to caring for the creature for the entirety of its life, not just until they get bored of it or stop caring. I have seen so many PSAs telling people not to get their children rabbits and chicks for Easter as a cute gift because, as the title of this article suggests, PETS ARE NOT TOYS. Animals don’t exist solely for our enjoyment in that moment. They are living their own precious lives and they happen to depend on us for their lives to continue. We have a tremendous responsibility to our pets to make sure they are living the best lives they possibly can, because that is the logical and decent thing to do. 

Nothing tells me more about the character of a person than the way they treat animals. Since animals are completely innocent and know nothing about the moral implications of their actions, they should be the easiest beings on the planet to feel sympathy and empathy for. If you can’t even feel empathy for an animal, I have serious doubts that you can feel empathy for your fellow human beings. If you can’t properly take care of your pet, or don’t care to, you are a bad person. Sorry, but there are (almost) no exceptions. They have no choice in the life they are given, so you need to step up and make sure they get the proper care and attention they need.

I have six gerbils, and have taken them to the vet on many different occasions. While many might think I’m insane in the brain for wanting to spend so much money on a rodent that only lives a couple of years anyways, I know that it is the right, ethical thing to do. In fact, if you don’t have the capacity to bring your pets to the vet, no matter how small they are, you should not have a pet. Simple as that. A gerbil deserves just as much medical care as a dog or a cat- they depend on it. They depend on you. So don’t screw it up.

animal gerbil xray skeleton
I recently adopted a baby gerbil (his name is Cashew!) and quickly realized he was not able to eat seeds like his brother was. A quick trip to the vet revealed the source of the problem- his teeth were broken. I would have never known how to help him if I didn’t take him to the vet, and now his life is better for it!

If I can impart anything on you all about the sanctity of animal life and the importance of responsible pet ownership, it’s these points:

  1. Do your research before owning a pet. You should know that chinchillas need a dust bath every day, or that gerbils like to tunnel, so they require a ton of bedding in their habitats. Uneducated pet ownership is bad pet ownership.
  2. Have enough money to bring your pet to the vet- no matter how small. Just like people, animals sometimes need the help of a medical professional. If you see that there is something wrong with your furry friend, and you choose not to bring them to get help, you are letting them down! Their lives depend on you!
  3. If your life circumstances change, consider giving them up for adoption. Sometimes things happen that make it so you are unable to comfortably support a pet- that’s completely understandable! If you are no longer able to give them what they need to live comfortable, happy lives, consider re-homing them to somebody who can.
  4. PETS AREN’T TOYS. Let me reiterate: Don’t buy animals as gifts for fickle children. No bunnies for Easter, black cats for Halloween, or rodents you purchased on an impulse because your kids wouldn’t stop bothering you about it. It’s fine to get your kids pets to teach them about responsibility, but you better be willing to do the research and take care of the animal throughout its lifespan, even after your kids get bored of them. Their lives are literally in your hands.

At the end of the day, all of this comes down to the value and sanctity of life. Respect animals, they have as much a right to life as we do. End of story.